Tripura Yuktibad Bikash Mancha on 9th august organised a street corner in front of city center, agartala. program was attended by the activists of organisation & many eminent persons. the house & surrounding passer by were enliven by 'sankhachil' the famous anti nuclear song of Hemanga Biswas sung by eminent singer Sri Gour das. A recitation of Sri Arijit Banik from a poem written by member of the organisation, given a new dimension to the street corner.
speakers from organisation exposed the sinister design of imperialism behind on going wars & conflict across the globe. they spoke, at this moribund stage of capitalism it cant survive without war. monopoly groups across the globe are fighting among themselves for source of raw material, market & strategic hegemony & using common & toiling mass as cannon fodder. they also spoke that identifying monopoly capitalism/imperialism in our own country & the state is prerequisite for attaining victory over imperialism vanish war forever.
speakers from organisation exposed the sinister design of imperialism behind on going wars & conflict across the globe. they spoke, at this moribund stage of capitalism it cant survive without war. monopoly groups across the globe are fighting among themselves for source of raw material, market & strategic hegemony & using common & toiling mass as cannon fodder. they also spoke that identifying monopoly capitalism/imperialism in our own country & the state is prerequisite for attaining victory over imperialism vanish war forever.
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